Understanding What a “Piggyback” Mortgage Loan Is and How It Works

Understanding What a As a potential homebuyer who is new to the market, many of the terms and mortgage products available to you can be more than a little confusing. Piggyback loans might be a little less familiar than many other options, but if you’re ready to jump into the housing market this type of mortgage can be useful for you. If you’re hoping to invest in a home sooner rather than later, here are the details on this type of loan.

What’s A Piggyback Loan?

While most mortgage loans require one loan and one lender, a piggyback loan is used for homebuyers who don’t have 20% to put down but want to avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI). Because a mortgage with less than 20% down will require the homebuyer to pay PMI, a piggyback loan can assist in avoiding this. For example, in the event that the homebuyer is putting down 10%, their primary mortgage will cover 80% of the purchase price while the piggyback loan will cover the remaining 10%.

What Are The Requirements?

Since there have been many issues with piggyback loans in the past, there are more requirements for this type of loan than there used to be. While it varies from lender to lender, most homebuyers will be expected to put down at least 10% in order to qualify for this loan. In addition, they will be required to have a good credit score to ensure they are a good risk. While the debt-to-income ratio will fluctuate from lender to lender, potential homebuyers will have to prove that they can make their monthly payments.

Is This Loan Right For You?

It’s important before deciding on a piggyback loan that it’s the right choice for you. Since a piggyback loan will require you to pay down two different loans, it means that you will not be able to tap into your home equity in the event that you want to free up funds. It can also put home ownership in harm’s way if there are any financial setbacks. As well, while PMI can be canceled after the equity in your home is at 20%, a piggyback loan does not provide this option.

A piggyback mortgage can be a good option for homeowners who want to get into the market, but it’s important to determine if it’s a financially solid choice before wading in. If you’re currently getting prepared to buy, contact your trusted mortgage professionals for more information.

Thinking About a Second Mortgage on Your House? Here’s What You Need to Know

Thinking About a Second Mortgage on Your House? Here's What You Need to KnowWhether it’s to consolidate debt or make funds available for a home renovation, many people consider a second mortgage in order to make it possible to pursue other options. However, like any important financial decision, it’s important to be informed about the financial implications before diving in. If you’re currently weighing your mortgage options and are considering a second mortgage, here are some things to do before the final decision.

Research The Lenders

Since a second mortgage means that you’ll be borrowing against the value of your home, it’s especially important to do your research the second time around and ensure you’re going with the right lender. Instead of going with your first choice or the familiar one, look at a number of different lenders and see if they have positive reviews. A second mortgage can be a big risk so you’ll want to ensure you’re working with a lender who will be working for you.

Prepare Yourself For Higher Costs

Since a second mortgage qualifies as the second loan on your home, it means that it will be the second loan to be paid off in the event that you default on the debt. As a result, the rates for a second mortgage are generally higher than those for your first loan because the lender will be taking on a more substantial risk. While higher rates may not be that alarming if you’ve garnered low rates for your first mortgage, it’s important to determine the financial benefits before deciding on this option.

Is A Second Mortgage Right For You?

Borrowing money may be a common signpost of our culture, but it’s important to consider if a second mortgage is the right financial choice for you. You can certainly improve the value of your home with renovations and perhaps pay off some of your debt, but a second mortgage will only be beneficial if it improves your financial outlook in the end. Before diving in, make sure that you create a budget and calculate the potential savings so you can determine if it’s a good move.

There are a number of financial risks associated with getting a second mortgage so it’s important to weigh your options before deciding that this mortgage product is the right choice for you. If you’re currently looking into available options on the market, contact your trusted mortgage professional for more information.

The 10-year Mortgage: Why a Shorter Amortization Period Can Be Your Best Option

The 10-year Mortgage: Why a Shorter Amortization Period Can Be Your Best OptionFrom ‘down payment’ to ‘adjustable rate’ to ‘debt-to-income’ ratio, there are so many terms involved in the mortgage process that it can be hard to learn them all and keep them straight. However, whether or not you’ve heard it, the term ‘amortization period’ might be one of the most important ones associated with your financial well-being. If you’re currently considering the period of loan you should choose, here are some things to think about before taking on a term.

What Is Amortization?

Used to refer to the length of time it takes to pay off your mortgage loan, a typical amortization period is 25 years. However, there are many periods over which homebuyers can choose to pay off their mortgage. While many homeowners opt for what works best for them, it can be the case that a shorter mortgage period will actually be more financially beneficial in the long run. It may not only mean lower overall costs, it may also mean financial freedom from a loan much sooner than originally anticipated.

The ‘Principal’ Of The Matter

It’s important to have a monthly mortgage payment amount that’s sustainable, but a shorter amortization period means that you will be paying a higher amount on the principal and paying more on the actual loan amount. While a longer amortization period will add up to more interest payments and less paid on the loan cost each month, a shorter period can end up costing you less for your home when all’s said and done.

Considering Your Loan Period

It goes without saying that a shorter amortization period will pay down the principal sooner and cost less over time, but that doesn’t mean that it’s the best choice for you. Because your monthly payment will be taking a sizeable chunk out of your salary, it may be difficult to swing a higher payment in order to pay off your loan in 10 years. If it’s doable without compromising your quality of life, you may want to choose this option, but if there’s too much sacrifice you may want to opt for a longer loan period.

Everyone has a choice in the amortization period that works for them, but it’s important to make your decision based on what works for you and will be beneficial for your finances. If you’re currently getting prepared to invest in a home, contact your trusted mortgage professional for more information.