The 2017 Mortgage Rate Outlook: Here’s What the Experts Are Saying

The 2017 Mortgage Rate Outlook: Here's What the Experts Are SayingThe post-election period is often one of uncertainty, and the time since the 2016 election has been no different with regards to market force and the financial world. With a new administration taking office, there are many questions regarding how Donald Trump’s presidency will impact the market and your mortgage. If you’re wondering what the predictions are for the coming year, here are a few things the experts are considering.

An Increase In Rates

Due to an expected hike in rates by the Federal Reserve, it’s unlikely that potential homebuyers will be able to get the low interest rates of previous years. While higher rates are likely, the proposed tax plan and budget of Donald Trump may lead to increased inflation and could also have an impact on rates down the road. The low rates of previous years certainly made homeownership a more feasible option, but it’s still a good time to get into a home before they rise even more.

Less Red Tape

The money invested into regulations is something that Donald Trump was highly critical of in the run up to the election, and this may mean many opportunities for home ownership that did not exist before. While a poor credit history can make or break a mortgage application, in a time of loosening regulations there will likely be more available mortgage products for those who have a less than stellar financial situation.

Privatizing Loan Programs

There is the possibility that government-sponsored home loan organizations like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will come under new ownership. While this may provide an opportunity for potential homeowners, because the risk will be taken on by private owners – and not the government – this may lead to higher rates. As Jordan Levin of the California Association of Realtors says, “I can say with a pretty good level of confidence that it will increase the cost of borrowing because there’s going to be more risk from those pools being borne by the private sector and they’re going to want to be compensated for that additional risk that they’re bearing.”

While the economic policy of the coming years has yet to take shape, the mortgage rates are on the rise and the regulations surrounding home ownership are likely to loosen. If you’re currently waiting out the 2017 market and are considering your options for home ownership, contact your trusted mortgage professionals for more information.

The First-Time Home Buyer’s Guide to Getting the Best Possible Mortgage Rate

The First-Time Home Buyer's Guide to Getting the Best Possible Mortgage RateWhether they’re found online or heard from family and friends, there are so many mortgage tips out there that it can be hard to know exactly how to proceed. But, if you’re new to the market, there are a few surefire things you can do to get a mortgage rate you’ll feel good about. For some of the best tips on getting a great loan, look no further than the following.

Know Your Credit History

It’s a simple fact that one of the most important factors in your mortgage application is your credit history, so good or fair, it’s important to be aware of where you stand. While the acceptable credit score for mortgage approval can fluctuate, the best rates are often available to those with a score that is higher than 760. In order to improve your chances, get a copy of your credit report and pay attention to any discrepancies that might be in it. These can have a negative impact on your score and your application, so you’ll want to have them revised if they’re incorrect.

Save Your Down Payment

It’s not a requirement of mortgage approval to put 20% down, but a down payment of this size will lower your debt-to-income ratio and will make you a more solid bet for the lender. By having 20% in the bank to go towards your home investment, you will also be able to qualify for a lower rate. Not only this, you will not be required to pay mortgage insurance which means a lowered monthly payment and a higher disposable income in the event of market fluctuations.

Consult With A Mortgage Professional

You may want to pursue a mortgage on your own, but having a professional to help you with the process can be beneficial for a number of reasons. A mortgage expert will not only be aware of market conditions, they will have a relationship with the lenders that means they may be able to get you a rate you wouldn’t be offered on your own. While you may want to go it alone, there are benefits to consulting a professional.

There’s a lot involved in the mortgage process, but by putting 20 percent down and having a good credit history, you’ll be well on your way to a great rate. If you’re currently on the market for a home, contact one of our mortgage professionals for more information.

Refinancing Your Mortgage: How To Get The Most Out of Your Home Equity

Refinancing Your Mortgage: How To Get The Most Out of Your Home EquityWith interest rates on the rise following the 2016 election, it’s possible that you’re now considering your options for refinancing your current mortgage. It can sometimes be hard to know all of the ins and outs of making this choice, though, and it’s important to know what’s involved. If you’re trying to determine if refinancing will work for you, here are some of the basics on this option and what it can mean for your equity.

Acquiring A Lower Interest Rate

One of the most common reasons for re-financing is to get a lower interest rate on a mortgage in times of a fluctuating market. While it may seem like this is more hassle than its worth, if you are able to get an improved rate, this can add up to considerable savings over time. While the once suggested percentage for refinancing was 2%, with economic times changing it can be worth looking at the numbers to determine if this option is financially viable for you.

Building More Equity

The great thing about negotiating a better interest rate for your mortgage is that it will not only lower your monthly mortgage payment, it can be a greater financial benefit over time. For example, if you have an 8% interest rate on a $250,000 home, adjusting your rate to 6% per month will mean a decrease in your monthly expenditures. Since you’ll be paying less interest overall, you can up your monthly payment and pay off the principal even more quickly.

Will Refinancing Benefit You?

While refinancing can be a great option if you’re able to get a better rate and are planning on staying in your home to reap the benefits, there are things to consider when making this choice. If you’re refinancing in order to make a big expense or renovate, these may be financially beneficial choices, but they can also be bad for the bank if budgeting isn’t kept in mind. It’s also worth realizing that there will be fees associated with refinancing, from the appraisal to the application, so ensure the new rate makes up for these costs.

There are many benefits associated with refinancing your mortgage, but it’s important to be aware of the costs involved and the financial benefit to you in the long term before making a decision. If you’re currently reconsidering your mortgage, contact one of our local mortgage professionals for more information.