The Pros and Cons of Using Your Savings to Make Your Full 20 Percent Down Payment

The Pros and Cons of Using Your Savings to Make Your Full 20 Percent Down PaymentIf you’ve been perusing the real estate market with the hope of purchasing a home, you may be aware that the often-touted amount you should put down is 20 percent. However, there are good things and bad things involved in investing so much money into your new home. If you’re wondering how to decide on your down payment amount, here are some things to consider before putting in 20 percent.

No Rainy Day Fund

It might seem like the best option is to put down as much as you can, and use up your savings if needed, but putting all of your money into your home can be a mistake. While you may not foresee any financial issues arising in the next few years as you pay down your mortgage, not having any extra money can put you in a vulnerable position if the market shifts or other life issues appear. Investing in a home is a good choice, but you may want to protect some of your other assets.

Lowering Your Monthly Payment

While putting down the full 20 percent can seem like a huge chunk of change, it can be a boon for your monthly finances in the sense that your monthly mortgage payment will be automatically reduced. While this is a good thing and can make your monthly amount more manageable, it’s important to remember that your monthly payments should be affordable and you shouldn’t be stretching for extra house because you can. Make sure you’re buying a home you can afford, with or without 20 percent.

Avoiding Mortgage Insurance

Putting less than 20 percent may seem like a good decision if you’re ready to buy a home and don’t quite have the money saved, but putting less down can actually increase the cost of your home overall. Because you’ll have to pay mortgage insurance if you put down less, this will add to your monthly payment and will be money that you can’t get back. If you’re ready to dive into the market, you may want to move forward, but it can also be a better investment to wait and save a bit more.

20 percent is often the magic number when it comes to a down payment, but there are pros and cons associated with putting this much money down. If you’re currently in the market for a new home, you may want to contact your local mortgage professionals for more information.

3 Common Mistakes That First-time Mortgage Borrowers Make and How to Easily Avoid Them

3 Common Mistakes That First-time Mortgage Borrowers Make and How to Easily Avoid ThemDeciding to purchase a home will be one of the biggest investment decisions you’ll make in your life, but it can be confusing for the first-time home buyer to know all the ins and outs of buying a home. If you’re wondering what things first-time buyers often forget about before purchasing a home, here are three important things that you’ll want to keep in mind.

Ignoring Their Credit History

If you have a high debt load or you haven’t been making your minimum payments, it can be pretty frightening to consider looking at your credit report, but it’s very important to do this before applying for a mortgage. A lender will be taking a look at your credit history and reviewing it carefully before approving your application, so it’s important for you to be aware of what your credit history says about you and how it might impact your mortgage.

Buying Too Much Home

It’s easier than you might think to be swayed into purchasing your dream home, but it’s necessary to keep a cool head and make an informed decision so that your home investment can be financially beneficial for you. The amount you should be paying for a home on a monthly basis will leave you with enough that you can pay for the necessities, any existing debts and any extras while still having wiggle room in case of emergency. While you may want to spend a little more, this can end up being a mistake if things don’t go as planned.

Forgetting The Documentation

This may be among the easiest of steps, but not having the appropriate documentation can push back your home purchase, so ensure you have all the necessary paperwork for when you need it. Beyond the Verification of Rent you’ll need from your previous landlord, it’s also important to make sure that you have liquid assets not just investments and RRSPs as this will prove to the lender that you can handle a financial hurdle in the event that it arises.

There are so many things involved in obtaining a mortgage that it can be easy to forget some very important aspects of approval. By being aware of your credit history and keeping your payment price within your means, you’ll be well on your way to a sound purchase. If you’re currently looking at homes, contact your local mortgage professional for more information.

Understanding Appraisals and What to Do If Your Home Doesn’t Appraise for Its Purchase Price

Understanding Appraisals and What to Do If Your Home Doesn't Appraise for Its Purchase PriceIt can be a bit of a surprise if your home turns out to be valued at less than the purchase price offered, but this is the type of thing that can occur in an appraisal situation. While this can change everything from your contract to the amount of your down payment if your home has been appraised at less than you envisioned, here are some options you may want to consider.

Review The Appraisal Contingency Clause

If an appraisal contingency clause is built into the terms of your contract, this means that the terms of your contract can be re-evaluated and re-negotiated if an appraisal happens to come up short. While this is meant primarily to protect the homebuyer against a lower appraisal, it doesn’t mean that the terms of a new deal can’t be met for the good of both parties.

Get A Second Appraisal

It’s entirely possible that the initial appraisal is accurate, but it doesn’t necessarily hurt to get a second opinion in the event that the first appraisal seems too low. While you can work in conjunction with your lender to get a second appraisal, you may need to pay for it the second time around in order to get your initial purchasing price. Whether it happens to be good news or bad news, it can be worth the peace of mind to know how to proceed.

Consider A Lower Price

It’s less than ideal when your home is appraised for less than the purchase price, but this doesn’t have to be a deal breaker when it comes to selling it. While you may be able to get away with a higher price for your home in a hot real estate market, if things have cooled off, this can be an important time to re-negotiate the deal you’ve got. If a potential buyer likes your home and has already made an offer, they may be happy to decide on new contract terms.

It can be quite disappointing if your home is appraised at a value that is less than the offer you’ve received, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll have to put your home back on the market. Whether you and the potential buyer decide to re-negotiate or get a second opinion, there are options that can be beneficial for both parties. If you’re currently going through the appraisal process, you may want to contact your local mortgage professional for more information.