A Reverse Mortgage And A Home Equity Conversion: What To Know

A Reverse Mortgage And A Home Equity Conversion: What To Know If you are getting ready to retire, you need to make sure you have income to support yourself during your golden years. One popular option is a reverse mortgage, and you can use it to supplement the benefits you receive through Social Security. On the other hand, you may have also heard about a home equity conversion mortgage. What are the differences between them, and which one is right for you?

A Reverse Mortgage

A reverse mortgage is a popular option because you can tap into the equity you have in your home to receive funds from a specific lender. In some cases, they will provide you with a single lump sum, but in other cases, they may provide you with monthly installments. You are not required to make any monthly mortgage payments, and you simply have to pay the money back when you sell your home. Your name will remain on the title of your home even as you tap into the equity to support your retirement. There are multiple types of reverse mortgages, and a home equity conversion mortgage is one popular option.

A Home Equity Conversion Mortgage

A home equity conversion mortgage is one specific type of reverse mortgage that is insured by the Federal Housing Administration. It provides you and your heirs with certain protection, and it is only available to borrowers who are 62 years of age or older. If you take out this type of reverse mortgage, you must use the funds to pay off any remaining balance you have on the original mortgage. Then, any funds that are left over will be provided to the homeowner. There are a number of factors that will dictate the amount of money you can receive. They include the age of the youngest borrower, the expected interest rate, and the national lending limit insured by the FHA.

Is This Option Right For You?

If you own your home outright, a reverse mortgage could be a great way for you to support yourself during retirement while also protecting any inheritance you passed down to your heirs. Consider reaching out to a professional who can help you decide if this is the right option to meet your needs.

Important Things To Know Before Signing Your Reverse Mortgage

Read This Before Signing Your Reverse MortgageThere are many reasons people take out reverse mortgages. However, this option is usually considered by cash-strapped seniors who own their homes and are looking to ease the burden of their golden years.

The beauty of reverse mortgages is that you’ll receive money as long as you are current on property taxes and homeowners insurance.

While this seems like an appealing opportunity, it’s a decision that should not be made lightly. Not only is the reverse mortgage complicated in itself, but homeowners make all sorts of mistakes when they’re too quick to sign the dotted line. So if you’re considering one, be wary of the common pitfalls below.

Buying Into A Scam

With reverse mortgages becoming a more common option for those over 62, mischievous opportunists are searching for ways to solicit seniors in need of help. Scammers will take advantage by charging high fees, funneling off parts of payments, creating fake loans or committing identity theft. Ensure you use a lender approved by the Federal Housing Association.

Confusing Your Payment Options

Reverse mortgages come in many forms. You can get the amount in one lump sum. Tenure payments are another option that give you a certain amount each month until you die or move out. There are also term payments, lines of credit, and modified tenure and term payments. You need to take the time to research your options and decide which one will be best for you in the long run.

Compromising Government Assistance

There are several government assistance programs that set asset limits on your monthly spending. These programs provide aid for low-income and disabled individuals. If any assistance programs financially support you, then be sure to consult their advisers before determining your reverse mortgage plan.

Disregarding Other Options

Reverse mortgages are extremely expensive and many people see them as their only option. However, there are other alternatives. Consider taking out a personal loan, downsizing or even taking on roommates. The Golden Girls always seemed to have fun.

A reverse mortgage could be just the thing to give you the extra cash flow you need and ease your mind. However, make sure you’re consulting a trusted home financing specialist, reading the fine print and have carefully considered all your options.

The Top 3 Reasons To Invest In A Reverse Mortgage

The Top 3 Reasons To Invest In A Reverse MortgageFor seniors who have equity built up in their home, they might have heard about something called a reverse mortgage. There are plenty of TV commercials for reverse mortgages; however, there is still a lot of confusion regarding what they are.

Simply put, many seniors have already paid off their homes completely. With a reverse mortgage, people can access the equity they have in their home and use this as a quick source of cash. Then, they can pay back this loan when they can without giving up ownership of their home. Who should use this tool? There are a few reasons to note.

A Quick Source Of Cash Without Great Credit

For those who don’t have a strong credit score but need a quick source of cash, a reverse mortgage might be a great option. Many people stop paying attention to their credit score in their later years, thinking they will not need to take out a loan again; however, life can throw surprises at people and a reverse mortgage can help people access cash quickly without having to apply for a formal loan.

A Flexible Source Of Money

There are many people who think that a reverse mortgage can only be used for housing expenses. This is not the case. In reality, people can use a reverse mortgage to pay for just about anything. One of the most common uses of a reverse mortgage is to cover medical bills. Medical bills are among the most common unexpected expenses and if a medical bill comes up, then a reverse mortgage can be used to pay it off.

A Loan With Flexible Repayment Terms

Finally, a reverse mortgage is a loan that provides flexible repayment terms. With a reverse mortgage, there is no need to pay the loan off in full until the home is sold, the owners move out, or the owners pass away. In this case, when the home is sold, some of the money is used to pay back the reverse mortgage.

Consider A Reverse Mortgage

For some people, a reverse mortgage can be an effective financial tool. It is critical for everyone to evaluate all of their financial options and choose the one that is right for them.