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3 Different Types of Loan That Will Negatively Impact Your Ability to Get a Mortgage

3 Different Types of Loan That Will Negatively Impact Your Ability to Get a MortgageA good credit rating is built on a number of financial factors including paying your bills on time and the length of your credit history, but loans can also be a source of bolstering your credit score in a positive way. While this means that loans can actually be a good thing, there are also the kinds of loans that can have a damaging impact on acquiring a mortgage. If you’ll soon be pursuing your own home purchase, here are some loans that may have a negative impact.

Borrowing For Education

When you are young, student loans are an ideal means of paying down your debt and developing a positive credit history. However, if these loans are left to linger they can have a marked effect on your chances of a mortgage approval. Since paying back your student loans will be one of the first times in your financial life that you’ll be able to prove your reliability, you should ensure you pay them on a consistent basis in order to lower your overall debt-to-income ratio.

Credit Card Debt

Many people don’t think of the purchases that go on their credit card as loans, but the money on your credit card does not really belong to you until it’s paid off. While credit cards can be a great boon for establishing your credit in the early days, if you rack up a lot of credit card debt and do not pay your minimum payments by the due date, it will cause a considerable dip in your credit score. In addition, taking on too many cards can be a negative signal to lenders.

Payday Loans

In recent years, payday loans have sometimes been broken out separately from other loans on a person’s credit report. However, unlike many other types of loans, payday loans can be seen in a bad light by lenders because they can be indicative of someone who’s experienced significant financial setbacks, which would negatively impact their ability to pay a mortgage. While some mortgage lenders will not decline an application due to payday loans, some have already started to take this step.

Acquiring loans can be a good means of developing a credit history, but there are types of loans that may look bad on your mortgage application and won’t be of service if you can’t pay them off consistently. If you’re considering submitting a mortgage application, contact your local mortgage professional for more information.

Why Banks Don’t Always Give The Best Interest Rate

Why Banks Don't Always Give The Best Interest RateIf you want to purchase a house, you will probably have to take out a mortgage. There are only a few people who have enough cash to purchase a house outright, so most will go to the bank for a loan. How do you know if the bank is giving you the best possible interest rate? Unfortunately, the bank does not always give you the best interest rate because the bank is looking for a way to make money. If they can get you to accept a higher interest rate, they will make more money on your home loan. What are some of the factors that dictate interest rates on loans, and how can you say money?

Bank Rates Are Dictated By Investors

In a lot of cases, mortgage rates are not necessarily dictated by banks, but they are dictated by investors. Many banks want to remove the risk of someone defaulting on their home loan, so they will sell the debt to an investor. This is a way for the banks to free up capital they can use to invest in other projects. Sometimes, the mortgage rates are dictated by the amount of money investors are willing to pay for this type of debt.

Interest Rates Are Always Forward-Looking

In other cases, banks will charge a higher interest rate because they are worried that rates will rise in the future. Essentially, the pricing on home loans right now is dictated by what banks think interest rates will be in the future. If the bank thinks that interest rates will go up, then it might raise interest rates now to hedge its risk. 

How You Can Get A Better Interest Rate

There are a few ways you can get the bank to give you a better interest rate. First, make sure your credit report is in order. Maximize your credit score to get a better interest rate. Then, make sure you have enough money to put down. The more money you put down, the lower the interest rate you will get. Finally, ask about discount points. You might be able to pay some of the interest upfront in exchange for a lower interest rate over the life of the loan. 


Financing Options For Home Improvement Projects: What To Know

Financing Options For Home Improvement Projects: What To KnowAre you planning on updating your house? A home improvement project can be expensive, but you don’t necessarily need to pay for the entire cost upfront. There are several loan options that can make it easier for you to get your home improvement project started right now. What are your options?

A Personal Loan

One of the most common options people use to finance a home improvement project is a personal loan. This could be a great option for you if you don’t want to use your home as collateral or if you don’t have enough equity in your home to use one of the other options available. The downside of this option is that you might have to pay a higher interest rate because a personal loan is not necessarily collateralized.

A Cash-Out Refinance

Another popular option is a cash-out refinance. In this option, you will refinance your mortgage, replacing your current loan with a new loan. Then, you will withdraw some of the equity in your home. You will increase the balance you have to pay back, but you will have a lump sum of cash you can use to cover the cost of your home improvement project. If interest rates have gone down since you took out your first mortgage, you might be able to keep your monthly payment the same. If you can’t get a lower interest rate, you might extend the length of the mortgage to prevent your monthly payment from going up. 

A Home Equity Line Of Credit

Finally, you should also consider a home equity line of credit. As long as you have enough equity in your home, you can withdraw some of the equity and use it to finance the home improvement project. Essentially, it is a second mortgage, but it has a lower interest rate than a personal loan because you use your home as collateral. 

Get Ready For Your Home Improvement Project

You need to think carefully about every financing option available to you. They each have their benefits and drawbacks, and you should get your finances in order before you decide to apply for a loan. Consider reaching out to a professional who can help you.