Understanding the Basic Interest Rates Difference Between Fixed and Variable

Understanding the Basic Interest Rates Difference Between Fixed and VariableHome loans are available in an assortment of lending packages, but the big difference that consumers need to pay attention to at a minimum is how the interest charge is calculated. Interest is the margin that represents the profit and risk offset for a lender financing a consumer’s home purchase.

With loans lasting over 30 to 40 years now, the amount of money that can be made can be two or three times the purchase value of the home involved. So it’s calculation method is important for the borrower.

A Fixed Rate

A fixed rated is one where the home loan interest rate does not change. So, if a person takes out a 30-year home loan with an interest rate of 5 percent, that interest rate charge per year will not change at any time during the 30 years of repayment. It provides stability for financial planning, especially for buyers who just want to pay the same payment monthly and not fuss about anything else.

A Variable Rate

A variable interest rate is one in which the interest on a home loan can change over time. The most frequent set up involves an introductory rate period where the interest rate on a 30 year loan is attractively low for the first one, three or five years. Then, if the loan is still in place, the interest rate may adjust up or down and starts to track an index, usually based on a stock or bond market. Then a “margin” is added to the index to determine the current mortgage interest rate.

The risk is whether that newly adjusted interest rate is higher than what was available previously as a fixed interest rate. The variable rate may work very well for those who only want to hold a home for a short period and then sell it for a profit. It can become a problem, however, if the loan is held longer than the change period when the variability kicks in with a market index.

Pros And Cons

The major advantage of a fixed loan is that is very straightforward, simple and can be refinanced years later if the market starts to offer much lower rates. That protects a consumer from fluctuating costs, especially when running a household on a set budget. However, the same formula is often more expensive in the first few years, especially if the home will only be owned for a few years.

The big advantage of the variable interest rate loan is realized by investors or those who only plan to stay in their home or home loan for a short period of time. Investors who think the real estate market will go up can make big profits with far less carrying costs in interest since variable rate loans often have a low introductory period. However, if they guess wrong or are forced to keep the loan longer than planned, the buyer could get stuck with a more expensive, fluctuating monthly loan payment.

Which one works best often depends on the buyer and his specific interests in a home purchase. Talk to your trusted mortgage professional today about interest rates to help you determine which option is best for you. 

5 Ways Millennial Buyers Can Snag Their Dream Home In This Sellers Market

5 Ways Millennial Buyers Can Snag Their Dream Home In This Sellers MarketAccording to the 2017 Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends Report, Millennials bought 34% of the homes sold; the largest of any generation last year. 

Millennials looking to buy their first, or second, home need to ready themselves for a surprisingly competitive market. Lack of supply causes attractive homes to garner multiple offers in just a few hours!

What can a Millennial buyer do to appeal to sellers and be the one who ends up with the home? Here are 5 ways they can snag their dream home in this seller’s market. 

Get Pre-Approved

Figuring out what a home buyer can afford is a crucial step and no different for these savy Millenial home buyers. Sellers like to avoid nasty surprises. Being pre-approved shows the seller that the homebuyer is serious and financially able to purchase their home. 

Meeting with a mortgage originator and getting pre-approved is how it’s done. This professional will pull credit history and look at current financial infomation to determine precisely how much of a mortgage is affordable. The pre-approval can then be used as part of their offer letter. 

Be Decisive

A hot real estate market is no time for cold feet. Millennials should proactively create a list of must-haves and be ready with an offer when they find a home that meets their requirements. 

Taking too long to mull over whether they like the house, the neighborhood, or the price can result in a dream house being sold right out from under them. 

Get Real

Millennials should research pricing in the neighborhoods they like, and lean on their real estate agent for helpful guidance. Low-balling an offer is not likely to be received well in this competitive market. Making a fair, reasonable offer close to, or even above, the asking price is the best course of action to land the home they want. 

Show Personality

If sellers feel like they know the buyer, they are more likely to choose them over a faceless offer. Include a personal letter with the offer. Go into detail about why the house is appealing. Add personal details about what the Millennial buyer wants to do in the house like raise children, plant a garden, or enjoy baking in the kitchen.

If all buyers are equal, a heartfelt letter just might tip the scales. 

Agree to the Sellers Timetable

Some sellers prefer unloading their house fast. Others may want to wait to move until their kids are out of school or the new home they are building is ready. 

Millennial buyers may need to dig to get this information but it can be used to their advantage. Being flexible might just set them up to be the best choice for the seller. 

While challenging, it’s not impossible for Millennials to end up with the house of their dreams. With a bit of planning, decisiveness, flexibility, and a preapproval from their trusted mortgage professional, Millenials can make homeownership a reality in the very near future!



The Home-Buying Closing Process in a Nutshell

The Home-Buying Closing Process in a NutshellThe closing process for a home purchase is an exciting time. The home is finished, the purchase is ready to be finalized and it’s almost time to move in. The final steps of the closing process ensures both parties are able to meet their requirements and all the paperwork is in place and verified.

The Key Players

There are actually four parties involved in a typical closing: the buyer, the seller, the bank or lender financing the purchase, and the escrow agent. Each has an important role in making sure the closing happens effectively and efficiently.

As is common with most purchases, the buyer is already familiar with the need to have a down payment ready and to be committed to a purchase. Additionally, the buyer will have already worked out the loan approval preliminary reviews and steps with the bank financing the purchase if it is not an all cash purchase.

The Escrow Process

During escrow the purchase is then validated through a number of steps. These include:

  • Ensuring the property title is clear of any problems or previous liens (a legal method by which other parties get paid for the seller’s outstanding prior debts).
  • Ensuring the property has been appraised and represents the actual worth represented to the bank.
  • Ensuring the bank is ready to pay the seller with a payment check and that the buyer has paid any down payment as well. Both payments are put into an escrow account managed by an escrow agent and not to be released until all the purchase requirements are met.
  • Ensuring the buyer has been notified, read and has committed by signature to all the purchase documentation necessary to complete the sale. This includes understanding the nature of the home loan, payment responsibilities, and what happens if there is a default.
  • Ensuring any property taxes, homeowner’s association fees, and other fees have all been addressed before the seller transfers the property to the escrow agent, which is then transfered to the seller.
  • Finally, passing along the keys and title of the property to the buyer, the title lien to the bank financing the deal, and the payments for the property to the buyer.

When all the above happens, a home purchase is closed and the home officially belongs to the buyer. The seller also gets paid and can deposit his income accordingly. The escrow agent files all the paperwork with the bank, the county recorder’s office, and copies are sent to the buyer and the seller for their own records.

Contact your trusted mortgage professional if you have any additional questions about the closing process as well as other aspects of financing your new home.